Industry News Archives - Page 13 of 14 - NMEDA

Secure and Safe Mobility Solutions

TAMPA, Florida (May 15, 2015) – Just because you use a wheelchair or a scooter, getting around town doesn’t have to be a hassle. There are many systems available…
IMG 3569

Casa Colina and NMEDA host National Mobility Awareness Month “Demo Day”

POMONA, California (MAY 12, 2015) – National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) in concert with Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare will…
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Funding a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

TAMPA, FL - (May 11, 2015) – For most individuals seeking freedom and mobility, financial struggles can make things harder when trying to fund an adaptive vehicle.…
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Independent Mobility Solutions

TAMPA, Florida (May 8, 2015) – No matter your mobility challenge, your independence shouldn’t be compromised. With electric lifts and portable ramps, you can…
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Carriers for Your Everyday Needs

TAMPA, FL (May 04, 2015) – The two main reasons why people purchase customized or accessible vehicles is freedom and mobility. Adding wheelchair or scooter carriers…
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Comfortable Mobility Solutions

TAMPA, FLA. (May 1, 2015) – For individuals with mobility challenges, being able to operate a vehicle safely and comfortably is one of the most important factors…
gallery Tundra no talent

Easy Modifications to Gain Independence

TAMPA, Florida (April 27, 2015) – For those who’ve wanted to get behind the wheel of a truck, but have had difficulty with their limited mobility, look no further.…
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All About Adaptive Vehicles

TAMPA, FL (April 20, 2015) – Having freedom and your independence is critical to maintaining a healthy attitude toward life. The ability to drive is usually at…
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NMEDA Kicks Off National Mobility Awareness Campaign 2015

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TAMPA, Florida (April 15, 2015) – The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Associations (NMEDA) kicks off its National Mobility Awareness Month campaign today,…

Finding Your Mobility Specialist can be as Easy as Visiting

TAMPA, FL - (April 6, 2015) – Finding a specialist in any field can be a daunting task, but locating a mobility specialist can be especially difficult if you have…