Tag Archive for: buying mobility equipment

Funding Resources for Accessible Vehicles & Adaptive Equipment
Consumer, Funding and Rebates, Mobility EquipmentAlthough purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be expensive, your NMEDA dealer can guide you to programs that may help you. Below are a few general options…

Four Ways to Customize Your Wheelchair
Wheelchair AccessibleFrom helping you maneuver throughout your home to getting around town, your wheelchair goes everywhere with you, so why not use it to show off a bit about yourself.…

Benefits of Buying an Accessible Vehicle from a NMEDA QAP Member
Wheelchair Accessible
Buying a wheelchair accessible vehicle isn’t like buying a car off the lot. Cars on the lot—even accessible ones—probably don’t have the exact equipment…

Save the Dates for Abilities Expo 2012
Living With a Disability
In 2012, the Abilities Expo has scheduled 6 exhibitions across the country for people with disabilities. The first will be in Atlanta Feb. 17-19.
This unique…

Mobility Solutions Help Arthritic Drivers and Others
Mobility Equipment
Seniors with severe arthritis, people with Muscular Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy and others with disabilities can drive again with the help of a mobility…

Basic Information on Low-Tech Hand Control Systems for Autos
Mobility EquipmentFor seniors and those with progressive muscle weakness, like MS, MD and others who have trouble driving, hand controls can compensate for decreasing strength and…

To Help Get Your Van or Adaptive Equipment Funded
Funding and Rebates
We pay taxes, yet many of us find it difficult to ask for government help with our disabilities. We need to get over that mind set, especially if we want to get…

Tips on Test-Driving a New Vehicle for Comfort
Wheelchair Accessible
Test-driving any new vehicle before you buy is a significant part of the purchase decision, especially if you are a senior or have disabilities. Three top…

How to Select the Right Size Accessible Vehicle
Mobility Equipment
We hear a lot of talk about which accessible vehicle to buy. It all depends on your unique mobility needs and your lifestyle. (Do you tote around business…

Veterans with Disabilities Can Get Grants for Mobility Vans, Adapted Equipment
Veterans With DisabilitiesPurchasing a wheelchair van or having your own vehicle modified for your disabilities is costly. To help our veterans and service members with disabilities, the…