NMEDA Congratulates Doug Collins on Senate Confirmation as VA Secretary
Featured Posts, Industry News, Veterans With DisabilitiesThe most recent Manufacturer Service School (MSS) event was held in Houston, Texas, from March 11 to 14. The four-day event attracted thirty technicians nationwide...

Safe Snow Driving Tips for Wheelchair Accessible Van
Accessible Vehicles, Consumer, Drivers With Disabilities, Featured Posts, Industry News, Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, Safety Tips, Wheelchair AccessibleThe most recent Manufacturer Service School (MSS) event was held in Houston, Texas, from March 11 to 14. The four-day event attracted thirty technicians nationwide...

Preparing to Travel With a Disability
Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a Disability, Wheelchair AccessibleWith the holidays drawing near, it’s time to get plans for family visits and end-of-year trips finalized before the busy season is in full swing. Traveling with…

Accessible Minivans for Parents with Disabilities
Living With a Disability, Wheelchair AccessibleBeing a parent is a round the clock job, with no paid vacation or sick days. After all the hours of taking care of your child, the hard work is always worth it.…

Safety Tips on 4-Point Tiedown Wheelchair Securement
Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, Safety Tips
For people with disabilities, it is vital to remember how to correctly fasten the wheelchair securements in an accessible van. The four-point tiedown secures…

Accessible Parking Spots: Are They All the Same?
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Mobility EquipmentFrom the grocery store to work, school and everywhere in between, accessible parking spots are something we see each and every day. But how closely have you looked…

Summer Driving Tips
Consumer, Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a Disability, Safety TipsSummer is here! That means lazy beach days, long vacations, and the summer heat. While this sounds like a recipe for fun, the heat can be the worst enemy when it…

Higher Ground
Drivers With Disabilities, Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a Disability, Mobility EquipmentWith his rock wall in tow, Mark Wellman, the Godfather of Outdoor Adaptive Sports, teaches, motivates and changes lives one climb at a time.

What Goes Into Adapting a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle?
Wheelchair AccessibleLike their drivers, each adaptive vehicle is unique. That is why it is so important that the technicians who modify vehicles are specially trained to install mobility…

Three Ways to Make a Wheelchair Accessible Van More Affordable
Accessible Vehicles, Wheelchair AccessibleA wheelchair accessible van can provide unbelievable freedom for a person with a disability or someone caring for a loved one with mobility limitations. It’s hard…