2021 Automotive Mobility Awareness Tour Kicks Off at Moss Rehabilitation Center
Drivers With Disabilities, Industry News, Living With a DisabilityWhen Berlin, NJ resident Julia Bonamassa took the field for her youth soccer and softball games at 10 years old, she started falling down a lot. She began having trouble running. A few months later, her identical twin sister, Jessica, started experiencing the same thing.

Independence on the Road: What Equipment Do You Need?
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, Wheelchair AccessibleThe summer is a great time to take a vacation and explore the open road, but it’s always necessary to keep in mind the proper equipment and adaptations to keep…

Mobility My Way: “It’s What I Do…”
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, SpotlightSpeaking with Charlotte’s Brian Muscarella, it’s hard to imagine that there was once a time that he was intimidated by driving with hand controls. But for those first six months after his highly rare, C7 level, spinal stroke at age 53, he certainly was. Yes, even as he was learning to do so much in life all over again, and adding the new dimension of adaptive sports, he didn’t think he could drive...

Sam Schmidt Walks Again Thanks to Exoskeleton Technology
Drivers With Disabilities, Industry News, Mobility EquipmentNMEDA friend, former IndyCar racer, Arrow McLaren SP racing team owner, and Conquer Paralysis Now founder, Sam Schmidt shatters another barrier as he walks again...

May is National Mobility Awareness Month
Drivers With Disabilities, Industry News, Living With a Disability, Mobility EquipmentSince 2012, May has been recognized as National Mobility Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA).
As an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities, NMEDA and its members continue to support National Mobility Awareness Month...

Mobility My Way: The Move to a Minivan
Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a Disability, SpotlightThis story begins back in the days of car-toppers and bench seats. Remember those? Long before lowered floor minivans and ramp equipped SUVs became the norm—actually, long before minivans and SUVs were even invented—these were a few of the things disabled drivers considered when looking at vehicles to get them on the road...

The Ins and Outs of Roadside Assistance
Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a Disability, Safety TipsWhen your vehicle dies on the road or you have a flat tire or dead battery, you need help, especially if you are a person with disabilities. Thank goodness for roadside…

Winter Maintenance for Your Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV)
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Wheelchair AccessibleWith the winter months here, it’s important to make sure your adaptive vehicle is in good shape to maximize protection and prevent breakdowns brought on by cold…

Teens with Disabilities: Learning to Drive An Accessible Vehicle
Drivers With DisabilitiesThe majority of teenagers will assert that learning to drive not only makes for an exciting experience but also marks a very important moment in life – moving…

Mobility My Way: It’s the Journey that Matters
Drivers With Disabilities, SpotlightSitting in front of the home computer screen, Army veteran Tim Kelly glides through Google Earth image views and bookmarks the National Parks, historical places…