Tag Archive for: wheelchair accessible vehicles

How to Afford a Used Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle
Wheelchair Accessible
Among people with disabilities, especially wheelchair users, one of the most talked about subjects is the price of a wheelchair accessible vehicle. A shiny…

Handicap Minivan Ramps: Side-Entry Vs Rear-Entry
Wheelchair AccessibleWhen buying or renting a handicap accessible van, youʼll have to choose between a side-entry or rear-entry ramp. In the past, side-entry has been a top seller,…

Top Ways to Prevent Handicap Van Theft
Safety Tips
This time of year, your handicap van may not be much of a handicap to criminals, but a tempting target. Like Santa’s sleigh, it will be full of gifts. And if…

Random (But Important) Tips on Your Accessible Van
Wheelchair Accessible
An accessible van is your most important asset when you need to go somewhere. If your handicap van breaks down, you can’t borrow a friend’s van when…

Full-Size Handicap Vans Get a Bad Rap
Wheelchair Accessible
“Handicap” vans have gotten a bad rap. Traditionally viewed as humble wheelchair accessible vehicles for people with disabilities, they now have…

Is it Time to Get an Accessible Vehicle?
Wheelchair Accessible
Wrangling that wheelchair into the family sedan may not have been so difficult a year or two ago; but each year we put off switching to a handicapped…

Types of Wheelchair Securement Systems: Safety Necessities
Wheelchair AccessibleSecuring a person with disabilities and their wheelchair inside a van is no fun, especially if you do it several times a day, but it can be a lifesaver in the event…

Don’t Give Up on Getting an Accessible Vehicle
Wheelchair Accessible
They can be pricey, but don’t give up on getting that accessible vehicle you need. Pre-owned vans are a very affordable option. If it is not already converted,…

What’s on Your Bucket List?
Living With a DisabilityUpdated: August 23, 2016
Used as a figure of speech these days, people make bucket lists because they’re exciting and offer goals for everyday life. Some include…

Tips on Test-Driving a New Vehicle for Comfort
Wheelchair Accessible
Test-driving any new vehicle before you buy is a significant part of the purchase decision, especially if you are a senior or have disabilities. Three top…