Summer-Proofing Your Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

If you live in an area known for its seasonably high temperatures during the summer months, then you should be taking the proper precautions necessary to summer-proof your wheelchair accessible vehicle, and ensure it runs at tip-top shape as the heat continues to rise.
Here are some essential vehicle maintenance tips that you need to consider as the summer season sets in.
Stock Up on Coolant
This should go without saying, but you should always keep an eye on your accessible vehicle’s coolant levels. Too little, and your engine will start running hotter than normal. Add the high temperatures outdoors, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.
As a precaution, it’s always good to keep an extra bottle of coolant in the trunk, or under a seat, in case an emergency occurs while you’re on the road.
Cut Down on Cracks
High temperatures under the hood are pretty commonplace, which means its effects can be doubled or tripled during the summer months. High heat over time can cause cracks in hoses and tubing, which can lead to fluid leaks and even damage to your engine or other important components.
Regular servicing and replacement can help prevent costly damages, and extend the overall life of your mobility vehicle.
Assess Your AC
The more integral system in your car, especially during the summer months, your AC should always be in tip-top shape. If for any reason you feel a decline in the performance of your AC system, do not ignore it. The worse you let the problem get, the more expensive it will be to get fixed.
Check Your Tires
Even the most advanced rubbers are still prone to wear and tear over time. This can be exacerbated by any sudden changes in temperature, which causes some tires to literally rot from the inside out. This is especially true for wheelchair accessible vans and trucks, as they are prone to carrying more weight than their non-modified counterparts.
It’s recommended you get your tires checked every three months or so, and replaced every year, to reduce the risk of damage to your mobility vehicle.
Stop by Your Nearest NMEDA Mobility Dealer
Although it pays to do your own research, there’s no better way to ensure summer vehicle safety than by putting your wheelchair accessible vehicle in the hands of an accredited Quality Assurance Program (QAP) professional. Set up an appointment with a trusted NMEDA mobility QAP dealer to make sure any and all modifications are in proper working order and are in the right condition to stand up to the elements.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying an accessible car, truck or minivan, please consider one of our Quality Assurance Program mobility equipment dealers.