QAPx E-Signature Upgrade, Final Inspection checks, New Calibration Provider
QAP BulletinWe are happy to share that QAPx has introduced electronic signature capabilities! Starting February 1st, you will no longer need to print and scan forms out of QAPx for customer signature...

Notification of Audit Fee Increase
QAP BulletinIn accordance with the third-party audit contract with Twining Consulting, the QAP audit fee will increase...

QAPx Update
QAP BulletinAs a result of updates to the QAP Rules & Guidelines, changes were made to both the QAPx and Docutrack programs. Please see the bulletin that follows for information on these changes.

QAPx: Every Job, Every Store, Every Time
QAP BulletinA friendly reminder to our dealers using QAPx (or Docutrack) that every job is required to be entered, every time.

Rule Update—Selling Non-Posted, New Conversions
QAP BulletinThe NMEDA Board of Directors recently moved to clarify QAP Rule 5.T., which establishes compliance requirements for the sale of new, personal-use conversions by QAP accredited locations...

New Audit Reschedule Policy
QAP BulletinThe NMEDA Board of Directors has recently approved a new policy to address QAP audit cancellations that will become effective for audits confirmed for March 28, 2022, and after...

Welcome to QAP Bulletins
QAP BulletinThis is something new from NMEDA, it’s called a “QAP Bulletin” and we intend to send these out to all listed QAP contacts when we have pertinent information about the program that we want to share with you...