The Great Outdoors: National Parks Offer 3 More Free Days this Year

National Parks offer several free entrance days a year, and there are 3 left for 2011: June 21, September 24 and Veterans Day weekend November 11-13. That’s a $25 savings per carload at parks that charge entrance fees. Even if you have a free or discounted pass, it’s still a good deal because it includes everyone in the vehicle. Just pack up and go!
“Golden” passes have been discontinued and can be replaced with Senior Passes or Access Passes (for those with disabilities). To replace the older passes for use on non-free days, see below:
People with Disabilities: The Access Pass is limited to the vehicle, the pass holder plus three adults. A per-person fee is charged for more than four. (Children under 16 are always free.) But on free days you can fill up that van with the neighborhood at no charge.
Access Pass
- Go to any National Park Service facility that charges an entrance fee.
- Show proof of medically determined disability, like a statement by a licensed physician; document issued by a Federal agency such as the Veteran’s Administration, Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income; or document issued by a State agency such as a Vocational Rehabilitation agency.
Senior Pass
- U.S. citizens at least 62 years old can purchase a Senior Pass for a one-time fee of $10. It admits you and the passengers in your car into National Parks that charge an entrance fee.
- In National Parks where a “per person” entrance fee is charged, the Senior Pass admits you plus three other adults (who do not need not be seniors). Children under 16 are free.
- The pass can only be obtained in person at the park. Take proof of age, such as a valid driver’s license.
For info on accessibility at each National Park, visit and search “accessibility.” For a list of National Parks by state that offer free days, visit
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