News/Media - NMEDA


February 19, 2013

Nike’s Slam Dunk With Accessible Shoes

When you think of shoes, you may not consider them as wheelchair accessible vehicles, but in a very big way, they are. In August of 2012, Matthew Walzer, a 17-year-old with cerebral palsy from Parkland, Florida, wrote an impassioned letter to Nike CEO, Mark Parker, asking for accessible shoes designed for people with disabilities. Little did he know, the letter would soon turn his dream of accessible shoes into a reality.

February 15, 2013

Flu Shot Time! Is Your Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Ready to Take You There?

Don’t Believe the Myths, They’re Just That.
Flu season arrives every year with variations of intensity. This year, the Type A, H3 influenza strain is impacting people of all ages, and specifically in Boston, where 700 cases have been reported compared to 70 at the same time last year. Fortunately, this season’s flu vaccine does cover the H3 strain, so officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to urge people to get their flu shot. Have you received a flu shot yet?

February 12, 2013

Helping First Time Disabled Drivers with Mobility Equipment Master the Road

First time disabled drivers with mobility equipment face unique milestones and considerations when preparing for the road. Parents and caregivers must seriously consider if they feel their child or loved one with a disability is adequately prepared for driver education. While that is a decision for each party to make individually, we offer advice for those who would like to begin preparing for the day their loved one takes the wheel.

February 9, 2013

Best Cities for the Physically Disabled

Great care and consideration is taken to ensure that your home, automobile and other areas under your control are accessible for physical disabilities, especially if they require and use mobility equipment. Is the same consideration taken in your urban dwelling area? The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation recently looked at 100 of America’s largest cities and ranked them based on wheelchair access and quality of life for people using wheelchairs.

January 31, 2013

You’re Hired

It’s no surprise that in today’s financial climate, employment isn’t always easy to come by. As a person with a disability, you may even consider it an even more difficult task to become gainfully employed than if you were without one. But times are a changin’, and the misconception that people with disabilities are a less valuable asset to employers is diminishing.

January 28, 2013

The New Year Brings New Traffic and Vehicle Maintenance Laws

With the New Year, comes new traffic and vehicle maintenance laws. The freedom that driving delivers, also bears great responsibility, so please see this selection of new laws for the roadways

January 24, 2013

Eat Healthy. Be Happy.

Making healthy choices might come with some level of difficulty to people with disabilities, but these choices prove to be far too pertinent to go by the wayside. Selecting the right foods and keeping weight under control remains paramount for people with disabilities, especially those with restrictive mobility. The last thing you’ll want to add to your plate of unhealthy proportions is a side of heart disease, high cholesterol, etc, as a result of poor diet choices.

January 21, 2013

Parking Permitted, Right?

Luckily, there are parking permissions in place for those with disabilities. Not only does such parking allow for easier access to store fronts and by offering […]

January 18, 2013

Look Who’s Cooking!

Ready to take the heat again? Think it’s time to get back in the kitchen? Whether you miss tending to a fiery passion for food or […]

January 17, 2013

New Year Brings Additional Money for Some

Approximately 4 million veterans should find themselves with a little more money in their banks starting December 31, 2012. Thanks to President Obama’s signature, a 1.7 percent hike will be added to the paychecks of veterans, military retirees and survivors for the 2013 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).

December 20, 2012

Movie Magic Moves to Empower

The days of Tiny Tim type roles that beg for sympathy are beginning to dwindle. While starring roles out shined by their handicaps can be heartfelt, […]

December 18, 2012

Start Checking Off That Holiday Shopping List

Great Gift Ideas for People with Disabilities Trying to think of what to get everyone on that Holiday shopping list of yours can be a burdensome […]