It’s a Walk in the Park: Finding Wheelchair Accessible Parks Near You

It’s officially spring, and as the temperatures start to climb outdoor adventures should be at the top of your “to do” list. The National Parks Service is a great agency and resource for accessible parks and nature trails, abiding by the Americans with Disabilities Act (and other laws) while advocating for accessible trails for all. For accessibility, it helps to know what types of trails there are to ensure a successful visit.
Wheelchair Accessible Trails
Accessible trails are newly constructed and/or altered to be up to federal accessibility guidelines. Multiuse trails, or shared use paths, are designed for pedestrian, bicycle and non-motorized wheeled use, such as wheelchairs. Multiuse trails can also be accessible trails. Knowing what kind of trails to ask and look for is useful when planning a trip with your wheelchair accessible car. If your car is not yet equipped, NMEDA can help. Simply check out our how to buy guide and locate your nearest NMEDA mobility equipment dealer.
Accessible National Parks
If you’re planning on traveling for Free Entrance Day, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona would be a treat to experience. In addition to the option of renting out a wheelchair, you can go on a wheelchair accessible tour. If you’re farther north, Olympic National Park in Washington has paved trails and ramps for a pleasant park experience. If you needed to take a break, the Hoh Rain Forest Visitor Center has great exhibits too. A park truly unlike any other, Great Sand Dunes National Park offers sand wheelchairs especially designed for over-sand movement. No need to worry about being unable to do activities—this park offers many accessible trails along with a shaded picnic area.
Find a national park near you in time for Free Entrance Day to appreciate the great outdoors. Through accessible trails, ramps and your mobility vehicle, you can take a fresh breath this February. But, if you do miss out this month, be sure to take your handicap van to a park another time this year.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.