Tag Archive for: handicap vehicles

Prepping Your Accessible Vehicle for Long-Term Travel
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With DisabilitiesWhether it’s for a business-related sabbatical, or a family trip overseas, there are certain situations when your mobility vehicle may have to sit, not driven,…

Caregivers: Consider These 5 Things Before Buying a Mobility Vehicle
Accessible Vehicles, Caregivers, Featured Posts, Mobility Equipment, Wheelchair AccessibleCaregivers spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care or assistance. Having an accessible vehicle can provide convenience and efficiency when caring for…

The Right Way to Shop for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
Accessible Vehicles, Featured Posts, Mobility Equipment, Wheelchair AccessibleFinding and buying a wheelchair accessible vehicle is a process that can’t be rushed. This is a purchase that can potentially redefine your day-to- day experiences,…

3 Best Times to Buy an Accessible Vehicle
Wheelchair AccessibleWhen is the best time to buy a new (or new to you) accessible or handicap vehicle? Some folks like to get a new vehicle every 3 to 5 years. More budget-minded people…

Save the Dates for Abilities Expo 2012
Living With a Disability
In 2012, the Abilities Expo has scheduled 6 exhibitions across the country for people with disabilities. The first will be in Atlanta Feb. 17-19.
This unique…

NMEDA Works Hand-in-Hand with Mobility Specialists and You
Wheelchair Accessible
It takes specialists to create wheelchair accessible vehicles for the more than 1 million wheelchair users in the U.S. It would be a nightmare if you had…

Is it Time to Get an Accessible Vehicle?
Wheelchair Accessible
Wrangling that wheelchair into the family sedan may not have been so difficult a year or two ago; but each year we put off switching to a handicapped…