QAP By the Numbers:
New Report Helps Dealers Track Monthly QAP Submissions
All NMEDA dealers recently received a QAP Submission Report sharing the number of jobs that were entered into either QAPx or Docutrack at their dealership for the month of January. This new report is being provided as a courtesy to ensure dealerships are aware of the volume of jobs being completed at each accredited location. As all dealers are aware, QAP Rules require that every job be entered into QAPx or Docutrack—including all pass-through vehicle sales.
This report will be provided monthly for the first quarter of 2023 and will be shared quarterly thereafter.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at or call the NMEDA office at 813.264.2697—we will be glad to assist.
So, Why Are We Doing This? The Rest of the Story…
- Regarding this report, a couple of reasons:
- First, we want you to have your thumb on the pulse of your job entries, and not be surprised at audit time (or any other time) to find jobs were not being entered as expected.
- Second, failure to enter jobs as required may result in your location being suspended until jobs are brought up to date and any other corrective actions are completed. No one wants this! This report is intended to raise awareness of your store’s activity level each month.
- Regarding QAPx / Docutrack – why are dealers required to enter every job?
- QAP efficiency. No more label reporting forms, monthly reporting logs, or tedious duplicate data entry on monthly forms. All QAP job information is now found in one place, available 24/7.
- Audit efficiency. With QAPx and Docutrack, QAP audits are now shorter, simpler, far more efficient and less intrusive.
- Meaningful industry data. This is a Big one. Through the implementation of these online platforms, NMEDA will now be able to provide our industry with real industry data. Below is a more detailed explanation from CEO’s Message in the Circuit Breaker magazine…
In the auto mobility industry’s case, we are very desirous of aggregating and reporting meaningful industry data; not just for our own membership, but for our key stakeholders including state voc rehabs, the VA and any number of partner organizations in the allied health, academic and regulatory arenas, among others.
The groundwork for such an undertaking has been well underway for some time. NMEDA’s move to require all QAP jobs to be administered via either QAPx or Docutrack was the first step in ensuring that the information previously collected on label reporting forms can now be efficiently aggregated. (Quick side note – QAPx does not require the dealer to report one iota more job data than the label reporting form did. It just moves the collection and submission of that data from the analog to the digital.)
So, what’s next? Well, 2022 has been a (sometimes painful) transition into the QAPx world for NMEDA dealers. 2023 will therefore be our first full year of complete job data collection from 100% of QAP accredited locations. We will also use next year to build out the infrastructure of our c3 research foundation (organizational formation, board of directors, bylaws, mission, and strategic plan) and to conduct due diligence on vendor partners who can assist with the aggregation, organization and eventual reporting of our data. The foundation will have two main audiences; one internal, one external.
The internal audience will be our QAP dealers. All dealers will be able to measure an individual store’s job data against aggregated industry benchmarks, similar to what is already available today in our Business Intelligence Portal for those dealers who participated in our Auto Mobility Price Survey (not sure what I mean? Contact me or Amy Schoppman, we will fill you in).
Our external audience will be all other stakeholders. These individuals and entities will not have access to the dynamic, individualized, custom reporting that our QAP dealers will, of course. However, the initial primary goal of our foundation will be to issue an, “Auto Mobility State of the Industry” annual report, starting in Q2 of 2024, featuring aggregated industry data. The foundation’s report will aspire to provide, for the first time, an accurate, high-level summary of auto mobility activity.