What Hand Controls are Best For You?

Hand controls allow people with physical disabilities the ability to drive accessible vehicles independently using alternative methods. If you want to drive safely, hand controls may be an option for many people.
Hand controls allow the driver to operate both the brake and gas pedal using levers that are typically mounted below the steering wheel and attach to the pedals themselves. There are many types of hand controls and it is important to speak to a NMEDA dealer to find which best suits your needs. Here are some basic types to get you started:
- Push/pull controls must be pushed to brake and pulled to accelerate.
- Push/right angle controls require the user to push the control forward to brake and down toward the thigh for acceleration.
- Push/twist controls must be pushed to brake and the handle must be twisted to accelerate.
- Push/rock controls must be pushed forward to brake and rock the top of the handle back to accelerate.
You should expect to take lessons from a Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist before getting the OK to operate a vehicle with hand controls.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying an accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.