NMEDA and ADED to Hold Co-Located Conference in 2021

The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED) and the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) are proud to announce that an agreement has been reached to co-locate our conferences beginning in 2021, at a yet-to-be-determined location.
“This is an exciting time for our organization. We look forward to working with NMEDA to plan this unique, co-located event that will continue to serve the needs of our membership and benefit their clients,” said Elizabeth Green, ADED Executive Director.
NMEDA President Chad Blake added, “Kudos to Danny, Liz and their staffs for making this co-location happen. 16 months ago, when Jenny Nordine, Liz, Danny and I had the first “discovery” meeting in Phoenix, we were excited about the potential of co-locating, but the challenges were really daunting. It is very gratifying to finally see everyone’s hard work pay off with the finalization of this agreement.”
The specific dates for the 2021 event have not yet been determined; however, the parties agree that late summer / early fall is the ideal time frame and that every reasonable effort will be made to ensure the event is not scheduled between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The co-location agreement calls for the days of the conference to be identical to ADED’s current pattern (Friday – Tuesday) with the co-located events to occur that Saturday, Sunday & Monday. Each organization will concurrently host their own educational conferences, with the exhibit hall being the shared space for both groups. We’re also looking at other networking opportunities in the conference schedules where both groups can come together.
“This has been a long time coming,” stated Danny Langfield, CEO of NMEDA. “Our board was clear – ‘Make a deal happen – no excuses, just make it happen.’ I’m really proud that we were able to deliver on our promise to our members…and I think it’s going to be one heck of a party in 2021.”
“I am looking forward to see this collaboration strengthen both our organizations and in turn provide even better service to our mutual clients,” said Marc Samuels, 2019 ADED President. This is great news for both organizations and the growth of the mobility industry. Bringing driver rehabilitation specialists together with mobility equipment dealers at an annual event will help us all focus on what is important: safe, independent mobility for our clients and their caregivers. We will be delighted to share additional details as they become available.