Simple Products Help Transport the Elderly or Those with Partial Disabilities

Some seniors need a little help getting in and out of a vehicle. And people with partial disabilities may have difficulty when transferring from the wheelchair to the vehicle seat but don’t need a ramp or lift. If you need basic support or equipment, a wide variety of products can be installed in your current vehicle.
If you can stand with or without assistance and turn and walk a few steps, items like grab bars, running boards, special seats and other equipment can transform your standard car, van, truck or SUV to your liking.
Grab bars and running boards can be put wherever you need a little help. They are inexpensive and can be added to most vehicles.
Assistive seating: A seat swivels out, you sit down, then it swivels back into the vehicle. Easy and convenient. Some even lift you into the vehicle and lower you back to the ground or wheelchair. Basic seats can be installed in large sedans and SUVS; others in minivans.
Wheelchair and scooter lifts lift the wheelchair and stow it in the trunk of a large sedan, back of a minivan or SUV, or back of a pick-up truck.
For additional information, please contact your local NMEDA dealer or visit a NMEDA member mobility consultant for demonstrations. Ask about the full range of helpful products like hand, foot and steering controls; extension controls; reduced effort modifications and much more to suit your unique needs.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers.
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