Four Ways to Customize Your Wheelchair

From helping you maneuver throughout your home to getting around town, your wheelchair goes everywhere with you, so why not use it to show off a bit about yourself. Customizing your wheelchair is a great way to express your creativity and personality and make a bold statement with your own unique flavor and style. Here are a few ways you can give your wheelchair a design boost you can feel great about.
1. Bumper Stickers
Bumper stickers are a simple and in expensive way to kick off your customization. Whether it’s a witty phrase, a funny picture or an inspiring quote, bumper stickers are the easiest way to start personalizing your wheelchair. Websites like specialize in custom work so you can even design and order stickers that are totally unique for you.
2. Designer Spoke Guards
Designer spoke guards ( not only look great, but also provide finger protection while you’re on the go. You can root for your favorite sports team or show off a picture of your pet, and even switch them out for special occasions. Some companies also create personalized guards, which are available for those with power chairs as well.
3. New Upholstery
New upholstery is a unique way to take a standard wheelchair and make it your own. Some designers offer a selection of fashion upholstery that can be purchased specifically for your chair. Back rest slip covers, cushion covers and calf strap scan all be personalized to fit your needs. You can make your backrest match your dress or tux on your wedding day or wrap it in your favorite animal print. As well as providing comfort and ease for cleaning, upholstery and covers lend the ability for more self-expression. Colours Wheelchair is a great resource to start your search of new upholstery.
4. New Coat of Paint
A fresh coat of paint can add color to your wheels and make an older wheelchair look brand new again. Some manufacturers offer a wide variety of unique paint jobs and patterns, and paint or powder coating shops can transform your wheelchair so you’re riding in style in no time.
These are only a few of the fun ways you can roll in your own style—there are endless ways to change up the look of your wheelchair to make your ride more comfortable and fashionable. If you’ve customized your wheelchair, we’d love to see the end-result. Share your photos with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages and show off your wheels! After you customize your wheelchair and are looking for a vehicle, NMEDA dealers can help.
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) is an advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. If you need help with converting or buying a handicap accessible car, truck or van, please consider one of our mobility equipment dealers. Find a dealer near you: