Tips on Choosing the Right Adaptive Vehicle Repair Shop
Mobility EquipmentWhen your accessible vehicle needs repairing, where do you take it? After checking the warranty, take it to the place where you bought it. But if you are out of town, have moved or it’s after hours, what do you do?...

What Hand Controls are Best For You?
Mobility EquipmentHand controls allow people with physical disabilities the ability to drive accessible vehicles independently using alternative methods. If you want to drive safely,…

The Importance of Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists
Living With a DisabilityFrom determining what type of vehicle conversions are appropriate for drivers or families with special needs to diminishing these challenges and preparing them to…

Ramps v. Lifts: Which One is Right for Your Mobility Vehicle?
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a DisabilityThere are a wide variety of available options when it comes to choosing the right mobility solutions for your wheelchair accessible vehicle, but with the help of…

Coping with a New Disability
Living With a DisabilityAdjusting to a new lifestyle can take a toll on an individual physically and emotionally. Living with a disability can present challenges for everyone involved such…

Exercise and Staying Active this Winter
Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a DisabilityIt’s the New Year, and we all know what that means. It’s time to make a plan to keep up those resolutions we made in December, including the one that makes…

Your Guide to Post Holiday Accessible Travel
Wheelchair AccessibleThe holidays might be over but travel season is just getting started. From those looking to wait out the holiday rush to the lucky ones having received a getaway…

Planning an Accessible Holiday Gathering
Wheelchair AccessibleWith the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to begin planning the parties, events and special dinners of the season, which might include a holiday gathering…

Wheelchair Accessible Vans: 4 Things Parents Should Know
Accessible VehiclesAny parent of a child or children with disabilities will tell you, life after kids can be a bit unpredictable, yet incredibly rewarding. The spills and screams can…

Prep for the Holidays in a Wheelchair Accessible Kitchen
Living With a Disability, Wheelchair AccessibleBrisk air, shorter days, and finding a pumpkin patch on every corner can only mean one thing—the holiday season is upon us, and with it come delicious feasts enjoyed…