Safe Snow Driving Tips for Wheelchair Accessible Van
Accessible Vehicles, Consumer, Drivers With Disabilities, Featured Posts, Industry News, Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, Safety Tips, Wheelchair AccessibleThe most recent Manufacturer Service School (MSS) event was held in Houston, Texas, from March 11 to 14. The four-day event attracted thirty technicians nationwide...
Accessible Parking Spots: Are They All the Same?
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Mobility EquipmentFrom the grocery store to work, school and everywhere in between, accessible parking spots are something we see each and every day. But how closely have you looked…
Three Ways to Make a Wheelchair Accessible Van More Affordable
Accessible Vehicles, Wheelchair AccessibleA wheelchair accessible van can provide unbelievable freedom for a person with a disability or someone caring for a loved one with mobility limitations. It’s hard…
Ramps v. Lifts: Which One is Right for Your Mobility Vehicle?
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a DisabilityThere are a wide variety of available options when it comes to choosing the right mobility solutions for your wheelchair accessible vehicle, but with the help of…
Wheelchair Accessible Vans: 4 Things Parents Should Know
Accessible VehiclesAny parent of a child or children with disabilities will tell you, life after kids can be a bit unpredictable, yet incredibly rewarding. The spills and screams can…
Preparing for an Accessible Road Trip this Fall
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Living With a DisabilityThe leaves have already started to change, pumpkin patches are all around, Halloween is just around the corner and the fall season is in full swing. This cool, refreshing…
Choosing a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle for Your Family
Accessible Vehicles, Wheelchair AccessibleShopping for a vehicle can be a day-long hunt, no matter what specifications you’re looking for. As a mother or father of a child that uses a wheelchair, the endless…
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Safety and Maintenance Checklist
Accessible Vehicles, Safety TipsAs we settle into the fall and holiday season, people are starting to plan those yearly road trips to visit family and friends around the country. The miles you…
Snack Your Way through Summer during Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
Accessible Vehicles, Lifestyle and Sports, Living With a DisabilityJune is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, and there is no better way to enjoy your summer than with a delicious, juicy and healthy treat. Not only are fruits…
Prepping Your Accessible Vehicle for Long-Term Travel
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With DisabilitiesWhether it’s for a business-related sabbatical, or a family trip overseas, there are certain situations when your mobility vehicle may have to sit, not driven,…