Protect Yourself Online This Holiday Season
Living With a Disability, Safety TipsTime is running out for holiday shopping—have you checked off everyone on your "nice" list? Being in a wheelchair can create additional challenges when it comes…

Road Trip Travel Tips for Safe Driving
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Safety TipsThe holiday season is just around the corner, and with it may come some extra days off from work (whether for yourself or your family and friends). While some use…

Safety in Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
Safety TipsPurchasing or financing a wheelchair accessible vehicle is a major step towards independence for people living with disabilities. Although riding or driving a wheelchair…

Cold Weather Tips for Your Van
Accessible Vehicles, Safety TipsFrigid temperatures not only slow us down, but can slow our van and accessible equipment. For example, if you use a hydraulic wheelchair lift, you may have noticed…

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Living With a Disability, Safety TipsNatural disasters can take place at any moment and can come in any form from floods, severe weather, earthquakes and more, yielding unfortunate outcomes without…

Travel Tips for Those with a Disability
Living With a Disability, Safety TipsTraveling with a disability can be challenging, but the truth is that the more research you do, the more accessible your trip will be. In fact, many major vacation…

Tips on Becoming a QAP Accredited Dealer
Safety TipsWhen providing driving solutions and mobility equipment for persons with disabilities, you need to make sure you have all the tools and resources in place to create…

Mobility Vehicle Prep for April Showers
Accessible Vehicles, Drivers With Disabilities, Safety TipsThe start of April can be a time of tricks and pranks, but April showers are no joke. This year, it’s predicted to be a strong El Niño season, so the wet season…

Safe Driving Tips for Daylight Saving Time
Accessible Vehicles, Mobility Equipment, Safety TipsBefore you pack up your vehicle to go to the beach or other spring break destinations, it’s a good idea to make sure your vehicle is ready for the journey. Handicap…

Benefits for Seniors to Use NMEDA QAP Dealers
Mobility Equipment, Safety Tips, Senior CitizensWith age, it’s natural for behavioral and driving habits to change. As we get older, it’s important to notice these changes and adjust appropriately for our…