Tag Archive for: National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association

First-Time Drivers with Disabilities
Featured Posts, Living With a DisabilityWhether you’re 16, trying to get your driver’s license, or not-so-16, and trying to get back on the road after a long hiatus, getting behind the wheel for the…

Life Benefits from Art – Part 2
Living With a Disability
Some of the most expressive, healthful, interpretive and adaptive hobbies are in the arts for the disabled. Art, in all of its forms, allows a person to be creative,…

Men and the Role of Caregiver to Those Using Mobility Equipment
Caregivers, Living With a DisabilityMobility equipment users are more independent these days than ever. They still do need help with certain tasks and you might be surprised who is giving them that help. Here’s a statistic that may surprise you – almost half of all caregivers to family members or friends who are elderly, disabled or chronically ill are male. What we have come to learn is that men tend to cope with this role differently than women.

Meet Emily Kiecher – A First for Mobility Equipment
Living With a DisabilityStar of Parents Magazine’s February Cover
The decision to feature a child using mobility equipment on this month's cover is a huge first. Three year-old Emily has spina bifida and in a history-making moment in publishing, is on the cover of Parents magazine’s February issue. “They asked what she wanted to listen to, and she said, ‘Lady Gaga,’ so that’s what they played. She was dancing around and pointing to anyone who wasn’t dancing!” That’s how Emily Kiecher’s mom, Liz, described their recent photo shoot at Parents magazine.

Flu Shot Time! Is Your Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Ready to Take You There?
Living With a DisabilityDon't Believe the Myths, They're Just That.
Flu season arrives every year with variations of intensity. This year, the Type A, H3 influenza strain is impacting people of all ages, and specifically in Boston, where 700 cases have been reported compared to 70 at the same time last year. Fortunately, this season’s flu vaccine does cover the H3 strain, so officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to urge people to get their flu shot. Have you received a flu shot yet?

The New Year Brings New Traffic and Vehicle Maintenance Laws
Drivers With DisabilitiesWith the New Year, comes new traffic and vehicle maintenance laws. The freedom that driving delivers, also bears great responsibility, so please see this selection of new laws for the roadways

Eat Healthy. Be Happy.
Living With a DisabilityMaking healthy choices might come with some level of difficulty to people with disabilities, but these choices prove to be far too pertinent to go by the wayside. Selecting the right foods and keeping weight under control remains paramount for people with disabilities, especially those with restrictive mobility. The last thing you’ll want to add to your plate of unhealthy proportions is a side of heart disease, high cholesterol, etc, as a result of poor diet choices.