Tag Archive for: accessible vehicle safety

Safety Tips on 4-Point Tiedown Wheelchair Securement
Living With a Disability, Mobility Equipment, Safety Tips
For people with disabilities, it is vital to remember how to correctly fasten the wheelchair securements in an accessible van. The four-point tiedown secures…

Insist on Certified Maintenance on Accessible Vans Every 6 Months
Safety TipsEvery vehicle needs maintenance on a periodic basis, and a wheelchair-accessible vehicle is no exception. Do you take your van to a regular mechanic occasionally…

Types of Wheelchair Securement Systems: Safety Necessities
Wheelchair AccessibleSecuring a person with disabilities and their wheelchair inside a van is no fun, especially if you do it several times a day, but it can be a lifesaver in the event…

5-Star Safety Ratings Effective on 2011 Vehicles
Safety Tips
With the new 5-Star Safety Ratings System of 2011 and 2012, it is safer for seniors and those with disabilities to drive. High-tech safety features can…

Safety Tip: How Much Does Your SUV or Van Weigh?
Safety Tips
How much weight can your accessible SUV or van bear when fully loaded? Because SUVs and vans have a higher center of gravity than sedans or minivans, they are more…

Reminder: Wheelchair Safety While Driving or Riding
Wheelchair AccessibleIf you use a wheelchair, you probably know how to get into and out of a car safely. You’ve seen a certified driver rehabilitation specialist and know the rules.…