*All Compliance information contained on this website is to be used for reference purposes only. Use of any information taken out of context from this site is prohibited. The specifications posted herein have no bearing on or to product quality, price or availability.*
Always Working for Your Safety
Trust, but verify. NMEDA’s Compliance Review Program utilizes third-party automotive engineering experts to verify compliance to certain legal safety standards.
To ensure consumer and public safety, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Transport Canada (TC) issues specific safety regulations that all motor vehicle and mobility manufacturers must follow in their respective countries. Although mobility manufacturers are required to abide by these Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (F/CMVSS), as a consumer it is difficult to identify which mobility manufacturers have actually tested their products to validate they are in compliance. To address this issue and help consumers make valued buying decisions, NMEDA has developed the Compliance Review Program (CRP).
Under NMEDA’s supervision, a panel of independent engineers conduct a comprehensive review of the mobility manufacturers test results. All submissions to the NMEDA Compliance Review Program are voluntary and all data is confidential. Alternatively, NMEDA has partnered with select third-party test laboratories to conduct F/CMVSS vehicle crash testing and other applicable compliance tests required by CRP.
Here you will find a listing of all personal use (non-commercial) vehicle conversions reviewed and accepted by NMEDA Compliance Review Program engineers.