Make Inoperative Exemptions Update
Industry NewsRecently, NHTSA added three new items to the make inoperative exemptions 49 CFR Part 595, Subpart C...

May is National Mobility Awareness Month
Drivers With Disabilities, Featured Posts, Industry News, Living With a DisabilityFor the tenth year, National Mobility Awareness Month (NMAM) is set to educate and engage people with disabilities, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and industry partners to help drive change.

CAMS is Back with Record Attendance
Industry NewsDriver Rehabilitation Center for Excellence (DRCE) located in Chantilly, VA served as host at their facility for over 70 registered attendees.

2022 NMEDA Hall of Fame: Make Your Nominations Now
Featured Posts, Industry NewsDo you know someone who has made significant contributions to the field of adaptive driving equipment and helped the establishment and growth of the automotive mobility industry? We bet you do!

March Manufacturer Service School a Huge Success
Featured Posts, Industry NewsLast week, NMEDA coordinated another well-attended Manufacturer Service School (MSS), held in the San Diego, California area...

NMEDA Resources Featured in AARP Article
Drivers With Disabilities, Featured Posts, Industry News, Wheelchair AccessibleIn a recent AARP article, NMEDA's Amy Schoppman weighs-in as a subject matter expert on the process of purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle...

QAP Guidelines Now Online, Indexed, & Searchable
Industry NewsSeveral months ago, we shared the indexed version of the QAP Rules with promise that a similar format was coming for the Guidelines, well, it's here!

NMEDA Needs You! Volunteer for a Committee
Industry NewsHave you been thinking of a way to get a little more involved with your trade association? Well, we have the answer for you—join a committee!

Welcome to the NMEDA Hall of Fame!
Featured Posts, Industry NewsNMEDA would like to send a big "Congratulations!" and recognize the inductees to the 2021 NMEDA Hall of Fame...

2021 Conference Education Presentations Available for Download
Industry NewsThanks again to all who were able to attend the 2021 Annual Conference last month. If you’re looking to apply the tips and strategies shared during our education sessions but need a refresher, you can now download the presentations...